Structured electronic invoices starting from 2025

With the rapid digitalization of the world, new changes are also occurring in accounting processes. These changes represent a major step towards more efficient and transparent accounting practices.
We continue to inform you about the news of introducing electronic invoices, our previous publication on this topic can be found here:
The recently published draft law "Amendments to the Accounting Law" requires companies to issue structured electronic invoices in transactions with other companies that receive goods or services in Latvia from January 1, 2026. The draft law also stipulates that companies must issue such invoices in transactions with budget institutions from January 1, 2025.
Structured electronic invoices will not need to be issued for transactions where payment is confirmed by a document issued by electronic payment recording devices and for other specific transactions, such as transactions with the National Health Service or state security authorities.
According to the draft law, a structured electronic invoice is an invoice prepared, sent, and received in a structured electronic format that allows it to be processed automatically and electronically and that complies with the European Union standard LVS EN 16931-1:2017 "Electronic invoices. Part 1. Electronic invoices basic elements semantic data model."
The Cabinet of Ministers has been instructed to prepare regulations on the procedure for the circulation of a structured electronic invoice, which must be issued by July 1, 2025. To harmonize the requirements of the Accounting and Value Added Tax Law (hereinafter - the VAT Law), it is planned to prepare and adopt amendments to the VAT Law as well.
To learn more about e-invoices and related services, write to Jelena Tihenko, or see: